We have been very busy going "digital" with our new designs, which we hope you will LOVE as much as we do. Personalise your character, by choosing a host of options. These images are available on Cotton Shoppers & towels at the moment, but we are hoping to roll these out to phone cases, mugs & even suitcases as soon as possible.lots of new hairstyles, backgrounds & accessories coming soon, (here's a peek at a couple of our latest 2) Keep checking back, or join our newsletter for updates & offers X
Well two blogs in two days! I'll be an expert blogger soon! Hee hee... Anyway I just wanted to share a quick time lapse video of part of a painting that I have done tonight. I thought it would be nice for you to see that I don't just paint girls with big lashes & fairies!
Sharon X This last week I have been busy painting up new images in watercolour, to form a new collection ... "Woodland Creatures" these will feature a more realistic animal & incorporate our beautiful little fairies. Hope you like this sneak peek at our little Bunny friend.
I'll be back soon to give you more update on life at Scruffy Little Cat & what I've been working on. Let me know what your interested in knowing too & I'll try & add it into my next update. Sharon X Does this mean I'm now a blogger ?Hello! & welcome to my 1st ever blog!
Because of our ever expanding product & illustration ranges we have decided to create a clutter free site - to enable you to look at & order from your smart phone or tablet a lot easier. (Also I can update via my phone rather than my laptop) so NEW products & images can be quickly uploaded! We also now have a blog - something we have wanted for a long time.... Yippee - so I will be posting snippets of my working day, if anyone is interested? Hope you enjoy. Sharon X |
AuthorHi I'm Sharon, the owner of Scruffy Little Cat Boutique & the artist. I also make the cups of tea in the mornings for the staff! Archives
February 2017
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Scruffy Little Cat